• 蛇与彩虹1988[电影解说]
  • 比尔·普尔曼 凯西·泰森 扎克·默凯


简介:<p>  Dennis Allan is an scientist who visits Haiti on the strength of a rumour of a drug which renders the recipient totally paralyzed but conscious. The drug's effects often fool doctors, who declare the victims dead. Could this be the origin of the &quot;zombie&quot; legend? Alan embarks on a surprising and often surreal investigation of the turbulent social chaos that is Haiti during the revolution which ousted hated dictator &quot;Baby Doc&quot; Duvalier. Often a pawn in a greater game, Alan must decide what is science, what is superstition, and what is the unknown in a anarchistic society where police corruption and witch-doctory are commonplace.</p>…


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